A Pipeline Protest Promenade
Here's the route of the march along the proposed pipeline cut.
If you oppose Kinder Morgan’s proposed Northeast Expansion project and the harm it could do to the Deerfield River Watershed and several others, please consider demonstrating your opposition by participating in the rolling march along the pipeline, from July 6 to July 26. Details follow. More information on the pipeline can be found at www.massplan.org.
The march will be from Richmond to Dracut, relay style, to oppose the proposed Kinder Morgan/TGP pipeline, which would transport fracked natural gas to the coast. Each town will pick up the baton—a pipe containing petitions to our legislators—and carry it to the next town, adding signatures along the way.
Walkers are encouraged to bring water bottles, sun and/or rain gear, and signs supporting our cause. Anyone who supports the cause is welcome to participate —you don’t have to live along the route.
A map of the approximate route can be found at: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zcu2eAZyXdOM.keTbyEsXUHc4
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Starting July 6th, demonstrators have walked through and/or held events in Richmond, Pittsfield, Dalton, Windsor, Cummington, Plainfield
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— Rolling March – Ashfield- Meet at the intersection of Campbell and Watson roads on the border of Plainfield and Ashfield at 9 am. Arrivals will be instructed where to park. Marchers will walk from there along Watson road to Bear Swamp road to Hawley road, across route 112 and into Ashfield center on Main street. Walkers will rest at the Mobil gas station (Neighbors) where bathroom facilities will be available. From there we invite those whose wish can ride a hay wagon through town as a mini parade. This is an opportunity for parents with small children and the elderly to participate in a way that works for them. From the center of Ashfield the walkers will turn North on Baptist Corner road and then right on Bellus (the only dirt segment), which connects to Beldingville road, to the Conway border.
Anyone who needs a ride back to where they parked their car will be shuttled by the march organizers but to facilitate transportation we are suggesting that walkers carpool and park some vehicles at the beginning and the end of the walk so that they can get back to their car without relying on the march organizers to shuttle them. There will be a chase car with 2-way communications, first aid and water.
9:00 AM
Intersection of Campbell and Watson Rd.
A compressor station in Ashfield could be constructed as part of the TGP pipeline project!
Compressor stations are by far the worst aspects of a gas pipeline!
The Ashfield marchers, in an effort to stop this possibility, have planned an event to heal and protect that area. The event will be "The Northeast Woodlands Indigenous People's Healing & Protection Ceremony".
This women led, traditional indigenous healing ceremony will be held on the corner of Pfersick and Beldingville road in Ashfield at 6 pm on Thursday July 10th. All are welcome and participants are asked to bring a sprig of cedar if possible as well as their solemn intentions.
The leaders of the ceremony have stated that the press and participants are welcome to take photographs before of after the ceremony but not during.
Please join us as we seek the spirit of love to assist us in this important work.
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— Rolling March – Conway- Meet at intersection of Beldingville and Pfersick roads on the Conway/Ashfield border. Arrivals will be instructed where to park. Marchers will walk from there along Beldingville/Sabans and Pine Hill road to Shelburne Falls road turning right and following Shelburne Falls road, turning left on Newhall road then turning right on Newhall Xing then left on Bardswell Ferry road to the Bardswell Ferry bridge.
Anyone who needs a ride back to where they parked their car will be shuttled by the march organizers but to facilitate transportation we are suggesting that walkers carpool and park some vehicles at the beginning and the end of the walk so that they can get back to their car with relying on the march organizers to shuttle them. There will be a chase car with 2-way communications, first aid and water.
9:00 AM
Intersection of Beldingville and Pfersick
— Rolling March- Shelburne – Start at Bardwells Ferry Bridge at12:00. We will walk to Clarkdale Fruit Farms via Bardwell's Ferry to Taylor to S. Shelburne Rd to Old Albany Rd.
12:00 PM
Bardwells Ferry Bridge
Event page for Shelburne: http://on.fb.me/1ja5ZPu
—Pipeline Resistance Rally at Clarkdale Fruit Farms-- Farmers, citizens, musicians and legislators unite with the common goal of stopping the proposed TNG pipeline. Clarkdale is directly impacted, with the route bisecting and destroying prime peach and apple orchards.
Here's the schedule, subject to slight changes:
12:00- Welcome, introductions
12:15- Music begins, featuring Jennie McAvoy, Pat & Tex LaMountain, Russ Thomas, and Sarah Stockwell
12:30- Tour of proposed route through peach orchard
2:30- Speaking program featuring Rep. Kulik and others
3:00- Marchers arrive from Shelburne, pass baton
3:30- Speaking and Q&A with MassPLAN
4:30- Special Guest Musician
5:00- Closing ceremony
Contact us if you are interested in volunteering. Co-sponsored by massPLAN.
Clarkdale Fruit Farms, 303 Upper Rd, Deerfield
Event page for the Pipeline Resistance Rally at Clarkdale Fruit Farms:https://www.facebook.com/events/584698351661484/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
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— Rolling March – Greenfield- Meet at 9 am at Clarkdale Fruit Farms for a walk to the Greenfield Common to join the Peace Vigil group around 11am—or just join in on the Common. Afterwards will walk south on Rte 5/10 handing off the baton at the Cheapside Bridge around noon. Walkers are encouraged to carpool to Clarkdale. We are looking for a few volunteers to leave cars at Cheapside bridge to shuttle people back. We also need a volunteer to drive a "chase car" during the march. Please RSVP to Emily Greene,guacomolly@windstream.net if you are coming for the march.
9:00 AM
Clarkdale Fruit Farms, 303 Upper Rd, Deerfield
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— Rolling March – Deerfield - Join us for a short walk down River Road to the Bike Path Bridge over the Connecticut.
9:00 AM
Rte 5/10 Bridge over the Deerfield River “Cheapside Bridge”
— Rolling March – Montague – Join in to walk from the Connecticut River Bicycle Bridge through the Montague Plains to Millers Falls-Erving Rte.63 Bridge over the Millers River. About 6 miles; through the Montague Plains. Canoeists and kayakers are encouraged to paddle in for a photo up- be under the Deerfield/ Montague bike bridge at 10 am--with a sign if possible! Contact Diane (dmcavoy22@sbcglobal.net) or Peter Hudyma's (PETERHUD82@comcast.net) for more information.
10:00 AM
Deerfield-Montague Bicycle path Connecticut River Bridge
Montague Facebook Event: www.facebook.com/events/309012762609960
— Rolling March – Erving, part 1- Take a scenic 3 mile walk along the Connecticut River. We will walk under the French King Bridge and end at the Riverview Picnic and Recreation Area across from Northfield Mountain.
2:00 PM
Millers Falls-Erving Bridge, Rte 63
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— Rolling March – Northfield/ Erving- We’ll be walking up Four Mile Brook Road and South Mountain Rd and back down to Gulf Rd, then on to Laurel Lake for a celebratory swim. Approximately 9 miles. Walkers encouraged to join for all or part. Options include meeting at the top of South Mountain Rd for the second (downhill) half of the walk to Laurel Lake. Contact Julia at jablyth@gmail.com for details. Transportation from mid-point and endpoint will be available.
9:00 AM
Riverview Picnic and Recreation Area (across from Northfield Mountain)
Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/1488676234682675
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— Rolling March – Warwick- We’ll be meeting at 9:00 am at the intersection of Quarry Rd and Wendell Rd by the Warwick line. We’ll walk Hockanum Rd to Rte 78, ending at the Orange town line around12:00 noon. 3.4 miles. Contact Mandy at mandymallet@gmail.comwith questions and to RSVP.
9:00 AM
Intersection of Quarry Rd and Wendell Rd
— Rolling March – Orange- Marchers will start walking at the Warwick/ Orange line on Rte 78 at noon. They will rally at Memorial Park at 2:00 pm before continuing on to Hannaford parking lot on Rte 2A. Carpooling information TBA. Contact Mary atMsk17@mtdata.com with questions and to RSVP.
12:00 PM
Warwick/ Orange town line on Rte 78
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— Rolling March – Athol- Meet at 9:30 AM at the Hannaford's on Rte 2A. We will walk 2.5 miles to have a quick break for water and snacks at the Athol Environmental Center. We’ll walk to the town common for a rally (around 11:00 am). Afterwards, we’ll walk up Rte. 32 to Tully Lake (about 4 more miles). Contact Rene at renelake@msn.comfor information and questions.
9:30 AM
Hannafords parking lot on Rte 2A
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— Rolling March – Royalston- We'll be rallying in South Royalston from 4:00-5:00pm, and then walk down River Road along the proposed pipeline route toward Winchendon. Contact Pat atGreenfyre1@gmail.com with questions.
4:00 PM
South Royalston
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— Rolling March – Winchendon- We’ll meet at 8:00 am at Lake Dennison swim area entrance, Route 202, and walk to Silver Hawk at the junction of Routes 12 & 140. The 6.5 mile walk will include water stops where shuttles will be available for people to come and go as they please. People will also have an opportunity to sign the petition at these points.
Planned route and approximate stop times: 8am, begin at Lake Dennison swim area on Route 202; 1 mile north to Lucky Dragon Restaurant, 8:30am; 2 miles north to Waterville Plaza, 9:30am; 1 mile to United Parish, 10am; 1 mile south on Route 12 to Winchendon Golf Course Clubhouse, 10:45am; 1½ miles south to Silver Hawk at the junction of Routes 12 and 140, 11:30am.
Individuals and groups are invited to join for all or part of the walk. People to cheer on the walkers and help at water stops are also appreciated. Participants are asked to wear bright colors. Sun protection and waters are suggested (and rain gear if needed). Appropriate signs are welcome, whether lawn signs or hand-made. Preregistration is not required; simply join us at any stop along the route. For more information: winchpipeline@gmail.com; 978-702-6016.
8:00 AM
Lake Dennison Swim Area
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— Rolling March – Ashburnham- Details TBA
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SUNDAY – JULY 20, 2014 – ASHBY
— Rolling March – Ashby- Meet at the Ashby Common starting around 9:30am so that we can shuttle you to the starting point for our start @ 10:00am on Spring Hill Rd on one of the first properties along the proposed route through Ashby. Bring refillable water bottles, sun screen and rain gear (if the weather looks iffy). Wear comfortable shoes. Most of the hike will be road walking, but we will go across 2 properties: on a woods road and through hay fields, so socks and long pants (tick protection) would be appropriate.
From Spring Hill Rd, we’ll head up Piper Rd towards the center of town, cutting across 2 more properties on the proposed route, on a woods road through one and across the fields of another to get us to where it is proposed to cross Main St. Signs will be placed to mark the route and show you where to turn onto the woods road.
Once back on Main St, we’ll head south to the Common for water, snacks and porta-potties. Hint: bring a lunch with you! We should hit there about the time that people are finishing up at the 2 churches on the common, a bit before 11:30am. There will be elected officials to discuss the pipeline and maybe even a local group to provide some music before continuing the hike on towards Willard Brook State Park – Main St to Turnpike Rd to Rte. 31 to Rte. 119 briefly before entering Willard Brook State park. We’ll again have signs marking which trail to take to get to the Park headquarters and then to Trap Falls, where we should meet the group from Townsend somewhere around2:30pm.
The total trip is approximately 6 miles.Contact Roberta atrflashman@comcast.net for more information.
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— Rolling March – Townsend- Details TBA
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— Rolling March – Pepperell- Meet at the North Middlesex High School. There will be a group photo at noon at the Town Hall. Nashua River Crossing led by Marion Stoddart around 2:30pm.
North Middlesex High School
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— Rolling March – Groton- Details TBA
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— Rolling March – Dunstable- Details TBA
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— Rolling March – Tyngsboro- Details TBA
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— Rolling March – Dracut- Details TBA
— Celebration – Dracut- Details TBA